Here are some common indicators and states you might encounter while working with ArgoCD:
Application States:
- Healthy: The application is in the desired state and all resources are successfully deployed and reconciled.
- OutOfSync: The application’s current state does not match the desired state defined in the Git repository. This can happen if there are differences in resource definitions or configuration.
- SyncFailed: The application failed to synchronize, and there was an issue during the reconciliation process. This could be due to errors in resource creation, conflicts, or other issues.
Sync Status:
- Syncing: The application is currently being synchronized with the desired state.
- Synced: The synchronization process has completed successfully, and the application is in the desired state.
- ComparisonError: An error occurred while comparing the desired state with the current state. This can happen if there are issues retrieving the application manifests or if the desired state is not properly defined.
Resource Status:
- Healthy: The individual Kubernetes resources associated with the application are in a healthy state.
- Degraded: Some resources are experiencing issues or are not fully functional. This might be indicated by warnings or errors in the resource status.
- Failed: One or more resources failed to deploy or reconcile properly.
ArgoCD Server and Components:
- Running: The ArgoCD server pod or component is running and operational.
- Error: An error occurred during the startup or operation of the ArgoCD server or component.
- Unavailable: The ArgoCD server or component is not accessible or not functioning correctly.
Repository Sync Status:
- Syncing: ArgoCD is currently synchronizing with the Git repository to retrieve the latest application manifests.
- Synced: The synchronization process with the Git repository has completed successfully.
- Error: There was an error during the synchronization process, such as authentication failure or repository access issues.
These statuses and indicators provide insights into the health and synchronization status of applications and components managed by ArgoCD. Monitoring and analyzing these states can help identify issues, troubleshoot problems, and ensure that applications are deployed and maintained correctly within the Kubernetes cluster.
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